The Final Week ….. And the journey continues

Women are Extraordinary!!!!

Hey Readers 👋 Palak here. I'm a self-taught software developer.

4 week Climb Mentorship Programme


These four weeks played a very crucial role for the all the mentees for shaping our dreams ,making us realise our potential , and encourage us to pursue our passion. Guiding us through this journey was my awesome mentor , and all the other women in Climb.

I will sum up learnings of four weeks into few lines for you all. I also feel somewhere down i am writing this for 16 year old me-:)


  1. you will never be Prepared , but you can always be better than yesterday.

  2. keep your head high up when things don’t go your way, this shall too pass.

  3. keep your goals and dreams intact irrespective of tough times, because they shape you as a person.

  4. Never afraid to take help from a person, especially your seniors, ask questions, ask about their journey they are really motivating and encouraging. make use of opportunities like this in your college time.

  5. Also believe in yourself, trust me losing a thing isn’t a big thing, then self proclaiming that you did a lot of hardwork to the world, when you did nothing. You are your best critic.

  6. And lastly, pursue your hobbies and learn a new thing for a lively life. And yes to all passionate women out there .

You are best, what you do is best, you can do wonders. You can be anything .

I really felt these four weeks inspired me to do a lot of things,

THANKYOU to all the Mentors, best of luck to all fellow mentees.